Best Lock A2 Combinating Kit Complete

SKU # BE/CD431-2

Best CD431-2 A2 Complete Keying Kit

  • Pin segments (included in kit) Close tolerance segments assist in accurate combinating.
  • Core springs (included in kit) This properly sized spring facilitates consistent action in all BEST® figure 8 cores.
  • To order specify: 22S springs. Core caps (included in kit) Barrels are securely sealed by applied core caps
G.S.A. Contract Holder
This item is available on our
GSA contract # 47QSWA19D001W



Best Lock A2 Combinating Kit Complete

This small desk-drawer size kit contains everything necessary to combinate a BEST® core. It includes a complete selection of pin segments, springs, caps, a capping block, two capping pins, an ejector pin, tweezers, two standard keys and a key gauge. When securely closed, the kit may be carried in any position without mixing contents.



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