
When you choose Craftmaster for your Detention security hardware, your solution is secured.

High quality and dependability are essential elements for products securing detention facilities. Incorporating only the best high security solutions will allow you to achieve consistent performance and safety.

With Craftmaster Hardware, you’ll experience the same quality and dependability you’ve come to expect from the Southern Folger products we distribute. That’s how we’ve become the “go-to” source and trusted partner for hundreds of detention facilities.

Corporate member of:

American Correctional Association shapes the future of corrections through strong, progressive leadership that brings together various voices and forges coalitions and partnerships.



American Jail Association's vision is a nation where every jail protects and serves our communities to improve our quality of life.



Call a Craftmaster customer care representative at 800-221-3212 today, or learn more about the world’s best security solutions for the detention industry by clicking on the Southern Folger Logo below:

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